Everything you have wanted to know! Do you work with aluminum sulfate? Have you ever wondered how this amazing chemical goes from raw materials to the product in your hands?Read More
Aluminum Sulfate
Alum Environmental and Toxicological Information
Although aluminum sulfate is an incredibly useful chemical, it can be toxic and can have a negative impact on both humans and the environment if not handled appropriately. Here, weRead More
Alum Manufacturing Techniques & the Affinity Process
As we have learned from our posts about aluminum sulfate so far, alum is a chemical compound mainly used as a coagulating agent in the purification of drinking water andRead More
Alum Packaging & Transport
Packaging Aluminum Sulfate In a prior post we spoke about how to provide safe storage for aluminum sulfate. Packaging alum for transport requires many of the same procedures and protocolsRead More
Why Should You Use Aluminum Sulfate as a Poultry Litter Amendment?
Benefits of Using Alum If you run a poultry farm, you can experience these advantages by using alum as poultry litter amendment (1): Reduced ammonia levels in the poultry house.Read More